Development of a general logistic model for disease risk prediction using multiple SNPs 2019
DJ-1 is dispensable for human stem cell homeostasis 2019
Dynamic methylome of internal mRNA N-7-methylguanosine and its regulatory role in translation 2019
Earlier demethylation of myogenic genes contributes to embryonic precocious terminal differentiation of myoblasts in miniature pigs 2019
Ecological principle meets cancer treatment: treating children with acute myeloid leukemia with low-dose chemotherapy 2019
Estrogen-Receptor Expression and Function in Female Reproductive Disease 2019
Evaluation of Peripheral Immune Dysregulation in Alzheimer's Disease and Vascular Dementia 2019
Fine-Tuning of MiR528 Accumulation Modulates Flowering Time in Rice 2019
Genome-Wide Association Studies Identify Multiple Genetic Loci Influencing Eyebrow Color Variation in Europeans 2019
High temperature suppressed SSC self-renewal through S phase cell cycle arrest but not apoptosis 2019
Identifying Lineage-Specific Targets of Natural Selection by a Bayesian Analysis of Genomic Polymorphisms and Divergence from Multiple Species 2019
Interplay of LIS1 and MeCP2: Interactions and Implications With the Neurodevelopmental Disorders Lissencephaly and Rett Syndrome 2019
Intraspecific variation in metabolic rate and its correlation with local environment in the Chinese scorpion Mesobuthus martensii 2019
In-vitro differentiation of early pig spermatogenic cells to haploid germ cells 2019
Key role for CTCF in establishing chromatin structure in human embryos 2019
Knockdown of SSATX, an alternative splicing variant of the SAT1 gene, promotes melanoma progression 2019
Low-dose quercetin positively regulates mouse healthspan 2019
m(6)A modification suppresses ocular melanoma through modulating HINT2 mRNA translation 2019
m(6)A Regulates Neurogenesis and Neuronal Development by Modulating Histone Methyltransferase Ezh2 2019
MHC class II risk alleles and amino acid residues in primary membranous nephropathy 2019