EWAS Atlas: a curated knowledgebase of epigenome-wide association studies 2019
iDog: an integrated resource for domestic dogs and wild canids 2019
LncBook: a curated knowledgebase of human long non-coding RNAs 2019
NucMap: a database of genome-wide nucleosome positioning map across species 2019
Plant editosome database: a curated database of RNA editosome in plants 2019
Genome structure and evolution of Antirrhinum majus L 2019
Database Resources in BIG Data Center: Submission, Archiving, and Integration of Big Data in Plant Science 2019
The HuangZaoSi Maize Genome Provides Insights into Genomic Variation and Improvement History of Maize 2019
Histone Demethylase KDM4B Promotes DNA Damage by Activating Long Interspersed Nuclear Element-1 2019
A Time for Celebration: 40th Anniversary of GSC and 15th Anniversary of BIG, CAS 2019
Rice Genomics: over the Past Two Decades and into the Future 2019
PacBio full-length cDNA sequencing integrated with RNA-seq reads drastically improves the discovery of splicing transcripts in rice 2019
AIM-SNPtag: A computationally efficient approach for developing ancestry-informative SNP panels 2019
Massively parallel sequencing of microRNA in bloodstains and evaluation of environmental influences on miRNA candidates using realtime polymerase chain reaction 2019
MicroRNA profile analysis for discrimination of monozygotic twins using massively parallel sequencing and real-time PCR 2019
Validation of methylation-based forensic age estimation in time-series bloodstains on FTA cards and gauze at room temperature conditions 2019
Characterization of Proteome Variation During Modern Maize Breeding 2019
Circular RNA profiling provides insights into their subcellular distribution and molecular characteristics in HepG2 cells 2019
Emergence of a Multidrug-Resistant Hypervirulent Klebsiella pneumoniae Sequence Type 23 Strain with a Rare bla(CTX-M-24)-Harboring Virulence Plasmid 2019
Foundress numbers and the timing of selective events during interactions between figs and fig wasps 2019