Characterization of soybean genomic features by analysis of its expressed sequence tags 2004
Complete nucleotide sequence and organization of the naphthalene catabolic plasmid pND6-1 from Pseudomonas sp strain ND6 2004
Antibody response and viraemia during the course of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)-associated coronavirus infection 2004
Inactivated SARS-CoV Vaccine Prepared from Whole Virus Induces a High Level of Neutralizing Antibodies in BALB/c Mice. 2004
Structure-based preliminary study on immunity and virulence of SARS coronavirus 2004
Development of Taqman RT-nested PCR system for clinical SARS-Co-V detection 2004
Microarray analysis of temperature-induced transcriptome of Yersinia pestis 2004
Catechol 2,3-dioxygenase from Pseudomonas sp strain ND6: Gene sequence and enzyme characterization 2004
Detailed comparison between the wheat chromosome group 7 short arms and the rice chromosome arms 6S and 8L with special reference to genes involved in starch biosynthesis 2004
Genes controlling seed dormancy and pre-harvest sprouting in a rice-wheat-barley comparison 2004
The International HapMap Consortium. The international HapMap project 2003
Vertebrate gene predictions and the problem of large genes 2003
A population threshold for functional polymorphisms 2003
Assessment of immunoreactive synthetic peptides from the structural proteins of SARS-coronavirus 2003
The mitochondrial genome of the thermal dimorphic fungus penicillum marneffei is more closely related to those of molds than yeasts 2003
Protein kinase C-dependent phosphorylation of the beta-subunit of the voltage-sensitive potassium channels (K-v beta 2) 2003
Genetic diversity present within the near-complete mtDNA genome of 17 breeds of indigenous chinese pigs 2003
Isolation and characterization of an atrazine-degrading bacterium from industrial wastewater in China 2003
Modeling and docking of the three-dimensional structure of the human melanocortin 4 receptor 2003
Database and analyses of known alternatively spliced genes in plants 2003